Youth Games
- Datum: 30-06-2006
- Auteur: Dorien Drees
- Geplaatst onder: Jeugd, Toernooien
- Aantal unieke bezoekers: 1827
- 0 reacties ↓, reageer ↓
The youth games are coming in sight. So the time has come that we let you know some more about what’s going to happen in those 6 sparkling days.
The moment has come that all the foreign badminton players arrive at the “Fanny Blankers-Koen park”. After a long journey they finally will meet their host families and go home with them.
The first real day of the youth games begins with a tournament named the “country tournament”. This tournament is aimed at letting everybody meet everybody. It’s played in a competition form. Five teams of each 10 players mixed from every country will play for that golden first place.
In the evening its time for the opening ceremony that will take place on the AVA athletics course at the FBK (Fanny Blankers-Koen park). It will be a grand spectacle where each country will be presented. It’s going to be a parade like the Olympic games.
After all this the players can go home to their guest families so they can prepare for the next day.
This day we start with the beginning of the individual tournament. This tournament will be played during the following days: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Your own individual qualities will make the difference here. Show your value and if you really deserve that golden medal.
In the evening the players can indulge themselves on the dancing arena in the disco “Eindelijk”.
The resting day. Of course we are not going to sit on the couch and watch the television all day. Everybody must dare to go in attractions cause we are going to the amusement park Walibi World! Exploring and enjoying the park is what we are going to do today. And of course we have to try that big ride the “Goliath”.
The second part of the individual tournament starts. Again you will fight for that first place but don’t forget to have fun.
In the evening you can go to the “Metropool” for a cultural act. Although to go to this event you have to get tickets. You can get the tickets at the organisation the days before Wednesday.
Already the last day of the individual tournament. This day is also the day when all the finals will be played. In the afternoon the Medal ceremony will take place in our “badminton temple”
In the evening the closing ceremony will take place at the same spot where everybody arrived.
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